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خرید Voxies | قیمت Voxies | فروش Voxies1403/1/25 13:08:18

قیمت لحظه ای Voxies

  • Voxies
    Voxies (VOXEL)
  • قیمت زنده
  • روزانه %
  • حجم بازار
    $40.07 M
  • معاملات روزانه
    $5.74 M
  • ATH
  • ATH(% تغییر)
  • تاریخ ATH
  • بالاترین قیمت روزانه
  • پایین‌ترین قیمت روزانه
  • سکه در گردش
    175.54 M VOXEL
  • رتبه
قیمت لحظه ای ارز  Voxies 14,031 تغییرات 24 ساعت  
Low 24H: $0.22 High 24H: $0.25
قیمت لحظه ای ارز Voxies
14,031 تومان
Voxies is a free-to-play, 3D turn-based tactical RPG game on blockchain. The main gameplay of Voxies is similar to a traditional RPG and tactical game, but it is powered by blockchain technology and ownership is central to the core concepts of the game. As a team-based tactical game, players can control multiple characters in the game and each character can be represented by Voxies that are directly owned as NFTs, or provided by the game for free-to-play players.VOXEL is Voxies' native utility token and will be used as the currency inside the Voxie Tactics game and will be utilized for all in-game functionality, such as purchasing new weapons, armor or items to use in the game. VOXEL tokens can also be earned by playing the game and doing certain tasks — for example after each battle you will be rewarded with VOXEL tokens (and potentially rarer NFT item rewards!) depending on the success of the battle. Exploration mode will also present ways to ‘find’ and collect VOXEL token, helping out NPCs in the world and completing quests for them is another way to potentially earn rewards and VOXEL tokens.
Voxies is a free-to-play, 3D turn-based tactical RPG game on blockchain. The main gameplay of Voxies is similar to a traditional RPG and tactical game, but it is powered by blockchain technology and ownership is central to the core concepts of the game. As a team-based tactical game, players can control multiple characters in the game and each character can be represented by Voxies that are directly owned as NFTs, or provided by the game for free-to-play players.VOXEL is Voxies' native utility token and will be used as the currency inside the Voxie Tactics game and will be utilized for all in-game functionality, such as purchasing new weapons, armor or items to use in the game. VOXEL tokens can also be earned by playing the game and doing certain tasks — for example after each battle you will be rewarded with VOXEL tokens (and potentially rarer NFT item rewards!) depending on the success of the battle. Exploration mode will also present ways to ‘find’ and collect VOXEL token, helping out NPCs in the world and completing quests for them is another way to potentially earn rewards and VOXEL tokens.

فروش Voxies

قیمت لحظه ای $0.23
مارکت کپ $40.07 M
تغییرات ارز Voxies در 24 ساعت اخیر -10.31%
قیمت به تومان 14,031
تحلیل قیمت رمز ارز Voxies
قیمت روز Voxies
تغییرات Voxies در 24 ساعت -10.31%
روش استخراج Voxies
هارد فورک Voxies
سافت فورک Voxies
رمز ارز Voxies چیست
بالاترین قیمت Voxies
پایین ترین قیمت Voxies

لینک‌ شبکه های اجتماعی و آدرس رسمی وب‌ سایت ارز Voxies

صرافی هایی که ارز Voxies در بازار آنها لیست شده

با استفاده از اطلاعات بازار ارزهای دیجیتال بررسی کنید که ارزهای دیجیتال در کدام صرافی بین المللی لیست شده و خرید و فروش می گردد.

صرافی هایی که ارز Voxies در بازار آنها لیست شده

با استفاده از اطلاعات بازار ارزهای دیجیتال بررسی کنید که ارزهای دیجیتال در کدام صرافی بین المللی لیست شده و خرید و فروش می گردد.

# صرافیجفت ارزقیمتحجم 24 ساعتبه روز شدهاعتبار

تاریخچه قیمت Voxies

تاریخچه قیمت Voxies

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