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خرید LockTrip | قیمت LockTrip | فروش LockTrip1403/1/25 13:08:18

قیمت لحظه ای Lockchain

  • lockchain
    LockTrip (LOC)
  • قیمت زنده
  • روزانه %
  • حجم بازار
    $3.57 M
  • معاملات روزانه
  • ATH
  • ATH(% تغییر)
  • تاریخ ATH
  • بالاترین قیمت روزانه
  • پایین‌ترین قیمت روزانه
  • سکه در گردش
    16.51 M LOC
  • رتبه
قیمت لحظه ای ارز  LockTrip 13,320 تغییرات 24 ساعت  
Low 24H: $0.22 High 24H: $0.22
قیمت لحظه ای ارز LockTrip
13,320 تومان
"Disrupting the Travel IndustryLockTrip.com is a blockchain-based travel marketplace that allows users to save up to 60% on their bookings by cutting out middlemen and their commissions. Choose among various payment methods such as credit card, popular cryptocurrencies and the native LOC token to bypass payment fees.More than 2.1 Million Hotels & PropertiesLockTrip is working with the strongest brands in the travel industry to offer its customers first class inventory around the globe. Thanks to our vast network of partners, we are not only fulfilling the needs of our customers, but also let the strongest brands compete with each other. Thanks to our unique reverse-auctioning model, customers will always be presented the lowest price possible.More than 1,000 Airlines to Choose FromWith more than 1,000 Airlines to choose from globally, LockTrip is better connected than any other marketplace in the industry. Both Hotels & Flights are bookable from the same marketplace in a one-stop shop solution.About the LOC TokenLockTrip's unique business model funnels the entire economy through the LOC token. Each booking made on the marketplace results in 3% of the booking value being used to buy LOC from exchanges and burn them. The process is fully automated and can be verified transparently on the blockchain.Deflationary ModelContrary to most other tokens and coins, the LOC supply is not growing or remaining constant. Indeed it is shrinking with each booking and it's subsequent burn. This mechanism will continue indefinitely as there is no limit in time or number of LOC to be burnt.LockTrip is powered by the Hydra chain, which emerged through the combination of the best features of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Qtum chains. It thus presents cutting-edge technology with unique economic features."
"Disrupting the Travel IndustryLockTrip.com is a blockchain-based travel marketplace that allows users to save up to 60% on their bookings by cutting out middlemen and their commissions. Choose among various payment methods such as credit card, popular cryptocurrencies and the native LOC token to bypass payment fees.More than 2.1 Million Hotels & PropertiesLockTrip is working with the strongest brands in the travel industry to offer its customers first class inventory around the globe. Thanks to our vast network of partners, we are not only fulfilling the needs of our customers, but also let the strongest brands compete with each other. Thanks to our unique reverse-auctioning model, customers will always be presented the lowest price possible.More than 1,000 Airlines to Choose FromWith more than 1,000 Airlines to choose from globally, LockTrip is better connected than any other marketplace in the industry. Both Hotels & Flights are bookable from the same marketplace in a one-stop shop solution.About the LOC TokenLockTrip's unique business model funnels the entire economy through the LOC token. Each booking made on the marketplace results in 3% of the booking value being used to buy LOC from exchanges and burn them. The process is fully automated and can be verified transparently on the blockchain.Deflationary ModelContrary to most other tokens and coins, the LOC supply is not growing or remaining constant. Indeed it is shrinking with each booking and it's subsequent burn. This mechanism will continue indefinitely as there is no limit in time or number of LOC to be burnt.LockTrip is powered by the Hydra chain, which emerged through the combination of the best features of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Qtum chains. It thus presents cutting-edge technology with unique economic features."

فروش Lockchain

قیمت لحظه ای $0.22
مارکت کپ $3.57 M
تغییرات ارز LockTrip در 24 ساعت اخیر 0.01%
قیمت به تومان 13,320
تحلیل قیمت رمز ارز LockTrip
قیمت روز LockTrip
تغییرات LockTrip در 24 ساعت 0.01%
روش استخراج LockTrip
هارد فورک LockTrip
سافت فورک LockTrip
رمز ارز LockTrip چیست
بالاترین قیمت LockTrip
پایین ترین قیمت LockTrip

لینک‌ شبکه های اجتماعی و آدرس رسمی وب‌ سایت ارز Lockchain

صرافی هایی که ارز Lockchain در بازار آنها لیست شده

با استفاده از اطلاعات بازار ارزهای دیجیتال بررسی کنید که ارزهای دیجیتال در کدام صرافی بین المللی لیست شده و خرید و فروش می گردد.

صرافی هایی که ارز Lockchain در بازار آنها لیست شده

با استفاده از اطلاعات بازار ارزهای دیجیتال بررسی کنید که ارزهای دیجیتال در کدام صرافی بین المللی لیست شده و خرید و فروش می گردد.

# صرافیجفت ارزقیمتحجم 24 ساعتبه روز شدهاعتبار

تاریخچه قیمت Lockchain

تاریخچه قیمت Lockchain

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تعداد کل بازدید ارز Lockchain


تعداد بازدید امروز ارز Lockchain


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