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خرید Materium | قیمت Materium | فروش Materium1403/1/25 13:08:18

قیمت لحظه ای Materium

  • materium
    Materium (MTRM)
  • قیمت زنده
  • روزانه %
  • حجم بازار
    $1.44 M
  • معاملات روزانه
  • ATH
  • ATH(% تغییر)
  • تاریخ ATH
  • بالاترین قیمت روزانه
  • پایین‌ترین قیمت روزانه
  • سکه در گردش
    18.72 M MTRM
  • رتبه
قیمت لحظه ای ارز  Materium 4,684 تغییرات 24 ساعت  
Low 24H: $0.07554 High 24H: $0.08234
قیمت لحظه ای ارز Materium
4,684 تومان
In Mirandus, players have absolute freedom of choice - there are no maps, no quest givers.Players can set out into the wilderness alone to try their fortunes against the monsters of the deep woods and dungeons, join with one of the monarchs to serve as a knight in their court, or set up shop in one of the five great citadels of the realm.Players take on the role of avatars in the world, and if desired, can purchase an exemplar avatar with powers and abilities beyond those of others in Mirandus.Player ownership of in-game assets is a central mechanic, with players being able to hold land deeds which allow them to claim parts of the wilderness and set up holdfasts ranging from small farms to massive cities.The risks of exploring Mirandus are great – but so are the rewards, for Mirandus is rich in the arcane substance Materium, a concentrated magic that allows players to channel its power to cast spells, craft the impossible, and even raise a slain hero from the dead.
In Mirandus, players have absolute freedom of choice - there are no maps, no quest givers.Players can set out into the wilderness alone to try their fortunes against the monsters of the deep woods and dungeons, join with one of the monarchs to serve as a knight in their court, or set up shop in one of the five great citadels of the realm.Players take on the role of avatars in the world, and if desired, can purchase an exemplar avatar with powers and abilities beyond those of others in Mirandus.Player ownership of in-game assets is a central mechanic, with players being able to hold land deeds which allow them to claim parts of the wilderness and set up holdfasts ranging from small farms to massive cities.The risks of exploring Mirandus are great – but so are the rewards, for Mirandus is rich in the arcane substance Materium, a concentrated magic that allows players to channel its power to cast spells, craft the impossible, and even raise a slain hero from the dead.

فروش Materium

قیمت لحظه ای $0.07634
مارکت کپ $1.44 M
تغییرات ارز Materium در 24 ساعت اخیر -2.28%
قیمت به تومان 4,684
تحلیل قیمت رمز ارز Materium
قیمت روز Materium
تغییرات Materium در 24 ساعت -2.28%
روش استخراج Materium
هارد فورک Materium
سافت فورک Materium
رمز ارز Materium چیست
بالاترین قیمت Materium
پایین ترین قیمت Materium

لینک‌ شبکه های اجتماعی و آدرس رسمی وب‌ سایت ارز Materium

صرافی هایی که ارز Materium در بازار آنها لیست شده

با استفاده از اطلاعات بازار ارزهای دیجیتال بررسی کنید که ارزهای دیجیتال در کدام صرافی بین المللی لیست شده و خرید و فروش می گردد.

صرافی هایی که ارز Materium در بازار آنها لیست شده

با استفاده از اطلاعات بازار ارزهای دیجیتال بررسی کنید که ارزهای دیجیتال در کدام صرافی بین المللی لیست شده و خرید و فروش می گردد.

# صرافیجفت ارزقیمتحجم 24 ساعتبه روز شدهاعتبار

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تاریخچه قیمت Materium

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