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خرید Gifto | قیمت Gifto | فروش Gifto1403/1/25 13:08:18

قیمت لحظه ای Gifto

  • Gifto
    Gifto (GFT)
  • قیمت زنده
  • روزانه %
  • حجم بازار
    $16.20 M
  • معاملات روزانه
    $3.94 M
  • ATH
  • ATH(% تغییر)
  • تاریخ ATH
  • بالاترین قیمت روزانه
  • پایین‌ترین قیمت روزانه
  • سکه در گردش
    1.00 B GFT
  • رتبه
قیمت لحظه ای ارز  Gifto 1,023 تغییرات 24 ساعت  
Low 24H: $0.01505 High 24H: $0.01655
قیمت لحظه ای ارز Gifto
1,023 تومان
Gifto as a network protocol, is a brainchild of Andy Tian, the co-founder and CEO of Asia Innovations Group (AIG). The team at AIG comprises of crypto-technology and blockchain enthusiasts.Andy saw potential in designing a decentralized network powered by the Ethereum blockchain to fix the current broken content monetization model with a better model. Most people introduced to the global content industry will identify the following problems with the current model:The Gifto network was launched in December 2017 and has been tested along with AIG’s flagship product, Uplive. Uplive is a live streaming mobile application with over 20 million users.An official Gifto report in February 2018, stated that Gifto featured in the top 10 traded cryptocurrencies by volume. The universal blockchain-based virtual gifting protocol has not only bridged the gap between content creators and the audience but has also introduced a way to acknowledge and reward the content creators. Besides monetizing decentralized content, it has revamped the modern creator-audience relationship.It has already received support from a number of large institutional investors including KPCB and Wicklow Capital. This can only be seen a positive for Gifto as it proves that the idea has been scrutinized and accepted by a fairly large number of people.
Gifto as a network protocol, is a brainchild of Andy Tian, the co-founder and CEO of Asia Innovations Group (AIG). The team at AIG comprises of crypto-technology and blockchain enthusiasts.Andy saw potential in designing a decentralized network powered by the Ethereum blockchain to fix the current broken content monetization model with a better model. Most people introduced to the global content industry will identify the following problems with the current model:The Gifto network was launched in December 2017 and has been tested along with AIG’s flagship product, Uplive. Uplive is a live streaming mobile application with over 20 million users.An official Gifto report in February 2018, stated that Gifto featured in the top 10 traded cryptocurrencies by volume. The universal blockchain-based virtual gifting protocol has not only bridged the gap between content creators and the audience but has also introduced a way to acknowledge and reward the content creators. Besides monetizing decentralized content, it has revamped the modern creator-audience relationship.It has already received support from a number of large institutional investors including KPCB and Wicklow Capital. This can only be seen a positive for Gifto as it proves that the idea has been scrutinized and accepted by a fairly large number of people.

فروش Gifto

قیمت لحظه ای $0.01618
مارکت کپ $16.20 M
تغییرات ارز Gifto در 24 ساعت اخیر 0.81%
قیمت به تومان 1,023
تحلیل قیمت رمز ارز Gifto
قیمت روز Gifto
تغییرات Gifto در 24 ساعت 0.81%
روش استخراج Gifto
هارد فورک Gifto
سافت فورک Gifto
رمز ارز Gifto چیست
بالاترین قیمت Gifto
پایین ترین قیمت Gifto

لینک‌ شبکه های اجتماعی و آدرس رسمی وب‌ سایت ارز Gifto

صرافی هایی که ارز Gifto در بازار آنها لیست شده

با استفاده از اطلاعات بازار ارزهای دیجیتال بررسی کنید که ارزهای دیجیتال در کدام صرافی بین المللی لیست شده و خرید و فروش می گردد.

صرافی هایی که ارز Gifto در بازار آنها لیست شده

با استفاده از اطلاعات بازار ارزهای دیجیتال بررسی کنید که ارزهای دیجیتال در کدام صرافی بین المللی لیست شده و خرید و فروش می گردد.

# صرافیجفت ارزقیمتحجم 24 ساعتبه روز شدهاعتبار

تاریخچه قیمت Gifto

تاریخچه قیمت Gifto

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